
Monthly Archives: November 2012

As many of you will know, Disney now own LucasArts, which in short means they own everything Star Wars from the movies to the games. Many of you will also know that this will see the release of up to three more Star Wars movies, the first of which will be episode seven in 2015. Anyhow, what matters more is how has this affected the development of the highly anticipated ‘1313’ game.

For those of you who haven’t heard of this game, it’s a bounty hunter orientated game set on floor 1313 in the underbelly of Courscant where all the scum of the Empire seem to hang out. The game will focus more on combat on a human level and therefore seeks to reduce supernatural powers such as the force and lightsabers, however they will obviously make an appearance. The games platforms and release date are as yet unconfirmed but is sure to be 2013 sometime and feature on at least the Xbox 360 and PS3.

As it stands, 1313 has not been affected at all, according to LucasArts who have claimed that development will be ‘Business as usual’ even with the $4 billion hostile takeover it’s gone through. So thankfully this third person installment to the Star Wars universe is safe with all its gadgets, cinematic gameplay and fast paced combat sequences still promised to awaiting gamers. Cue sigh of relief.

Yes, you read the title correctly.

Now most of you will be aware of Assassins Creed 3 (AC3) having hit shelves yesterday however what seems to have slipped past us by, ironically, hiding in plain sight is the news that Ubisoft’s much loved free runner in white robes will be jumping off of buildings in widescreen HD. The news stated that the studio New Regency has signed to back the production and none other than Fox have confirmed to distribute it. Micheal Fassbender ( Magneto- Xmen First Class, David- Prometheus) has also confirmed that he’ll be taking the role of Desmond and his counterparts.

Now what this news basically means is that, unlike the Halo movie and the Gears Of War movies (which gained trailers and hype but since have ceased to exist), this is actually happening! The money and support are there and the CEO of Ubisoft claims that it’ll all be ready to go in summer 2013.

This could be the action movie of that year, alternatively it could be another Game-Movie bust like the Resident Evil franchise. As such does this news worry or excite you? Either way it’s coming and remember, “Everything is permitted”.